Jefferson Matters begins downtown survey

Jefferson Matters: Main Street has kicked off its study to explore what the future holds for downtown Jefferson. A team of volunteers will soon  hand out surveys to shoppers in the Main Street district and also to business owners to gather data to help fine-tune and enhance downtown business development and marketing strategies. Community residents and business persons will have a chance to chime in as part of the Downtown Jefferson Market Study project.

There will also be an on-line version of the survey that can be found here. at

The results of these surveys will provide a better understanding of the geography and “personality” of the downtown trade area, give an assessment of the current business environment, provide a quantitative summary of attitudes and opinions and a way to identify current and future trends. 

Throughout all phases of the project, Jefferson Matters: Main Street will actively seek input from all sectors of the community. Volunteers will ask many  questions and explore a broad range of scenarios in an attempt to determine a direction that’s right for downtown Jefferson.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. For more information about the study and opportunities to participate, contact Amy Milligan at 51-386-2131.


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